Parc de Bulles Chaumont – Paris

Nice park within walking distance of our apartment. Found my 1st France geocache with a little bit of wading in the water – not obvious at all! Found two other caches at Gard de Est train station, but forgot my pen so couldn’t log them. I was a bit worried we would attract the attention of security as we were searching down a track with no trains at the time. Something Cracker might have done?

Our Paris residence

We were located on the 3rd floor. The window on the right was our bedroom, the middle with the balcony showing two chairs and a table was our living room and the window on the left was our dining room.


Iceland Intermission:

A northern lights theme on both outside and inside of our ‘Icelandic Air’ plane was interesting. Iceland’s Reykjavík airport appears to be good for sleeping as there are no armrests mid-bench, but I have it from an experienced traveler, that the metal benches are cold. Look for the padded seats…






Probably never see this ad in the USA


Ok time to get started

This site is intended to keep family and friends appraised of our activities as we enter a new chapter in our lives. We have grand travel plans, baking classes and many projects we wish to share. One of the first projects is to customize this site!

“If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.”
~ African proverb ~