On the Road Again – Italy to France

Beginning the journey west. Before leaving Italy we tried to pay the parking ticket. What a strange and convoluted process: 90 minutes from Post Office to Bank 1, then to Bank 2 (apparently only one will work), where a nice manager escorted us to the Police Station, where a bored commandant filled out a piece of paper, then back to Post Office. Then the clerk at  Post Office decided to process a huge stack of mail, very, very slowly, before taking my money. No wonder tourists just leave town without paying! The best thing about the process: all the facilities were located around the same town square!

When we finally got out of town, travel through the Italian Alps was very interesting: green, lots of tunnels and very high bridges. Strange finds at the rest stops: rubber chickens and Mardi Gras masks??

Ok time to get started

This site is intended to keep family and friends appraised of our activities as we enter a new chapter in our lives. We have grand travel plans, baking classes and many projects we wish to share. One of the first projects is to customize this site!

“If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.”
~ African proverb ~